Meet The Team

Your MindFit Coaches to Peak Performance

Nicole Monteforte

Founder & CEO of MindFit Training Academy

Nicole has spent the last 15 years as a single mum and an experienced C-Suite Executive, Founder and Speaker and has led many companies across multiple sectors to success. She has spent her entire career igniting others to become power houses in both work and life by using my real passion for the body, human behaviour and the mind sciences.

Nicole personally lived through more than a DECADE of hardships and trauma from significant life obstacles and a chronic hormone related illness. Through this chapter of her life, she survived by using my passion and knowledge of the brain and body and developed signature techniques for managing the challenges through stress hacking.

Nicole has used these techniques on herself almost daily and with many clients and teams to show them how they can handle anything and come out feeling like they are winning again.

The impact of COVID-19 on stress/anxiety and mental health issues across the globe for people and business is REAL and now more than ever everyone needs access to these types of simple and highly effective techniques just to manage day to day life as best as possible.

Nicole is on a mission to show business owners, executives and teams how to always be operating at their peak in these ever-changing times. How to move forward with real purpose and drive triple line profit without compromising values, people or vision.

This is not touchy-feely stuff, but purposeful and enhancement boosting work. Nicole’s job is to re-educate the fiercely brilliant and ambitious, so they operate at their own personal peak power to make a real difference in what they do for themselves and others.

The MindFit Team

Emma Barry

Emma is an international bestselling author of and keenly-courted-keynote and facilitator for business forums, trend panels, podcasts, and phygital events.

Emma’s cocktail of impatience with the status quo, infectious energy, and innovative flair unlocks and activates the greatness in others.

As a provocateur of ideas, Emma deals in the currency of people, passion, and purpose. She delights in digging for game-changing insights and setting souls on fire in stellar companies that are in a hurry to impart health and happiness to the world.

A kiwi living in LA and commuting to the UK/Europe, Emma is also partial to a Mojito.

Team Member 2

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See Nicole in Action..


Nicole’s keynote at the Team Women Australia Event raising money for brain cancer research. She talks, belief’s, adversity and stress hacks that work.


Nicole lives in Sydney Australia and is an avid snow skier. She is ready to help you climb to your peak now.

Nic was real and certainly touched on a huge issue that is still often ignored – mental health.  Nic broke down what stress and anxiety are and how to counteract them with instant hacks to break the cycle.  I could listen to yesterdays presentation over and over again.  Thank you again.

Eva D’Angelo


Who Nicole has worked with

On a mission to work with the fiercely ambitious in making their visions a reality and ensuring they are always operating at their PEAK.