The effortless meditation

What Sets Vedic Meditation Apart?

Vedic Meditation employs a natural, effortless approach, substantiated by independent scientific studies. This method stands out by not relying on active control, repetitive chants, or focused concentration. Instead, Vedic Meditation paves a straightforward yet profoundly impactful route towards mental clarity and overall wellness. Experience its distinct and transformative influence.

6 reasons to embrace Vedic Meditation

Achieving Success with Greater Confidence

Vedic Meditation sharpens mental clarity and focus, which are key to achieving success with confidence. It encourages a mindset of being less reactive to minor issues, fostering a ‘not sweating the small stuff’ attitude. This approach leads to better decision-making, enhanced productivity, and a sense of accomplishment that emanates from within.

Ease and Effortlessness for Everyone

Vedic Meditation stands out for its simplicity and ease, making it accessible and effective for everyone, regardless of age or background. This effortless technique involves no intense concentration or complex rituals, but rather a natural settling of the mind. It’s a universal practice that works harmoniously with the body’s own rhythms and needs, making it a perfect fit for those seeking a stress-free path to inner peace and well-being.

Stress Reduction Through Inner Calm

Research has shown that a significant proportion of health issues are stress-related. Practicing Vedic Meditation and mindfulness can dramatically reduce stress levels by fostering inner peace. This reduction is noticeable within a couple of months of regular practice, offering a natural and effective solution for wellness.

Managing Anxiety with Inner Serenity

A considerable number of people globally suffer from anxiety. Vedic Meditation offers a pathway to manage this effectively. By enhancing inner serenity, this practice builds mental resilience, enabling individuals to handle life’s challenges with a calmer, more centered approach.

Enhancing Sleep and Inner Happiness

The essence of good sleep is in the quality of rest rather than its duration. Vedic Meditation teaches techniques to calm the mind, leading to deeper, more restorative sleep. This improvement in sleep quality not only reduces stress but also nurtures inner happiness, improving mental clarity and promoting healthier lifestyle choices.

Improve Brain Function and Increased Creativity

Practicing Vedic Meditation offers a significant boost to brain function and mental acuity. This technique, with over five decades of research support, fosters enhanced synchrony and unity within the brain’s various regions. Such harmonisation enables these areas to operate in greater harmony, leading to notable enhancements in essential cognitive abilities including memory retention, creative thinking, understanding, and concentration.


Whats included

  • Vedic Meditation course delivered over four sessions (2 days for group students)
  • Ongoing membership to Nic’s group Vedic Meditation and metoring sessions (every Monday on Zoom)
  • Stress Ball
  • Pure Indian sandalwood incense
  • Free Access to my “Calm Down Before You Blow Up” online course
  • Calming and elivening technique for life!

Session 1

In the first session of the meditation course, you will receive your personal mantra and learn how to meditate effectively.

Experience your first deep meditation within the group.

Session 2

In the second session, Nic will share key practices to help you achieve the greatest benefits from your meditation practice.

Revisit your mantra and meditate together with the group.

Session 3

In the third session, Nic will provide further guidance on how stress accumulates in the body and how it is released during meditation.

Check your mantra and meditate again with the group.

Session 4

In the final session, Nic will discuss the seven states of consciousness and how regular meditation can improve all aspects of your life.

Conclude with another group meditation session.

Simplicity at its Best

  • No effort to ‘clear the mind’
  • Free from constant thought monitoring
  • No focus on concentration
  • No need for mind control
  • Sit comfortably in any way you like (even on a chair!)
  • Perfect for everyone, including those who believe meditation isn’t for them
study and research

Extensively researched

  • Backed by a wide range of scientific research.

  • Significantly effective in managing stress.

  • Improves cognitive functions and brain performance.

  • Positively impacts heart health and cardiovascular function.

  • Validated benefits in reputable scientific publications.

  • Research covers various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

Immediate Benefits

  • Quickly induces deep relaxation.

  • Dissolves long-standing stress and fatigue.

  • Creates a sense of lightness and clarity.

  • Enhances overall happiness and well-being.

  • Noticeable effects from the first session.

  • Reduces mental clutter, promoting clear thinking.



In Person Dates:

Bondi Junction – Sydney

Saturday Sept 21st: 11am – 3pm

Sunday Sept 22nd: 1pm – 5pm


Bondi Junction – Sydney

Saturday Oct 19th: 11am – 3pm

Sunday Oct 20th: 1pm – 5pm


Bondi Junction – Sydney

Saturday Nov 16th: 11am – 3pm

Sunday Nov 17th: 1pm – 5pm

Zoom Course Dates:

October Course Sydney AEST

Tuesday 1st Oct: 6pm – 7:30pm

Wednesday 2nd Oct: 6pm – 7:30pm

Thursday 3rd Oct: 6pm – 7:30pm

Friday 4th Oct: 6pm – 7:30pm


November Course Sydney AEST

Tuesday 5th Nov: 6pm – 7:30pm

Wednesday 6th Nov: 6pm – 7:30pm

Thursday 7th Nov: 6pm – 7:30pm

Friday 8th Nov: 6pm – 7:30pm

What Sets Vedic Meditation Apart?

Vedic Meditation employs a natural, effortless approach, substantiated by independent scientific studies. This method stands out by not relying on active control, repetitive chants, or focused concentration. Instead, Vedic Meditation paves a straightforward yet profoundly impactful route towards mental clarity and overall wellness. Experience its distinct and transformative influence.

Simplicity at its Best

  • No effort to ‘clear the mind’
  • Free from constant thought monitoring
  • No focus on concentration
  • No need for mind control
  • Sit comfortably in any way you like (even on a chair!)
  • Perfect for everyone, including those who believe meditation isn’t for them

Extensively researched

  • Backed by a wide range of scientific research.

  • Significantly effective in managing stress.

  • Improves cognitive functions and brain performance.

  • Positively impacts heart health and cardiovascular function.

  • Validated benefits in reputable scientific publications.

  • Research covers various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

study and research

Immediate Benefits

  • Quickly induces deep relaxation.

  • Dissolves long-standing stress and fatigue.

  • Creates a sense of lightness and clarity.

  • Enhances overall happiness and well-being.

  • Noticeable effects from the first session.

  • Reduces mental clutter, promoting clear thinking.

How is Vedic Meditation different to other meditation and mindfulness techniques?
Vedic Meditation is recognised as a form of meditation that transcends ordinary practice. It involves the use of a particular sound, referred to as a ‘mantra’, which helps guide the mind to a state beyond regular thought processes. In this transcendent state, one surpasses mental activity, emotions, and even physical awareness. During this profound level of meditation, two significant outcomes occur: the body attains a deeply restorative rest, enhancing overall rejuvenation and well-being, and the mind experiences an expansive awareness, entering a boundless consciousness free of thoughts. This deep, blissful, and ultimately liberating state is rarely achieved through other meditation techniques.
How long will it take for me to reach the state of transcendence?

Many students experience brief or even deeply profound moments of transcendence within their first few meditation sessions during the course

How do I know if I will be able to meditate using Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is accessible to all, allowing everyone to reap its benefits. This ancient technique, practiced for up to 7,000 years, has been personally used by Nic for over 5 years. She has has never encountered a student unable to master the Vedic Meditation technique

What happens after I learn Vedic Meditation?
Upon completing the course, you will be fully equipped to practice Vedic Meditation independently each day. However, this marks only the beginning of your journey. To support you further, the teacher offers weekly live group meditations and mentoring sessions via Zoom. These sessions are crucial in your meditation journey, fostering a sense of community, accountability, and continuous improvement in your practice. These additional sessions are provided at no extra cost to the student.
Will my mantra change over time?

When you begin Vedic Meditation, you will be given a mantra tailored to your birth details, known as your ‘initial mantra’. After practicing with this mantra for a few years, you will have the chance to advance to an ‘advanced mantra’ through a special two-session course

Why do I have to pay for Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation teachers have dedicated years to rigorous training, often investing substantial amounts of money in their professional development. Many of them commit to teaching full-time to help others achieve healthier and happier lives. Unlike those supported by monasteries, ashrams, or religious institutions, these teachers must sustain their families and personal well-being through their work. In return for your training fee, the teacher not only offers comprehensive weekend training in Vedic Meditation but also provides ongoing weekly live group meditations and mentoring sessions. These sessions support students in their meditation practice and help integrate their experiences into daily life

Is the teacher a trained Vedic Meditation Teacher?

Your Vedic Meditation teacher, Nic Monteforte, is trained and qualified as a Vedic Meditation teacher.

Is Vedic Meditation an organisation with a leader at the top?

Vedic Meditation is a style of meditation. There is no governing body, organisation or leader. It is simply a very efficient way of calming the mind and body and living a healthier and happier life. It is also not affiliated with Transcendental Meditation.

If I want personal mentoring with Nic is this possible?

Nic offers private coaching and mentoring for individuals seeking a more personalised program. These tailored sessions can encompass a wide range of topics, business, career, success coaching, life purpose, and more. To schedule a session, you can contact Nic through this website at any time

Join a Vedic Meditation Course With Nic

We recommend booking in for an Intro Talk above to find out more about the Vedic Meditation course. If you are unable to attend one of the live Zoom calls then please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you very soon.

Not sure yet? Book a Quick Chat with Nic to learn more.

Gain the understanding, clarity and direction you’ve been looking for.

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